Use "Nilgiri (Eucalyptus) oil" drops on handkerchiefs & masks as one of the preventive measures against "SWINE FLU" National Institute of Virology.
Stop spreading “Swine flu”
“Swine Flu” symptoms:
*Cold, cough and fever
*Heavy body pains and joint pains If a symptom persists please doesn’t neglect consult a doctor.........
Be Healthy Make others live Healthy Be Happy Make others live Happy
Swine flu Precautions:
* Eat Healthy food and Increase your immune power. (Drink 6-7 lemon's juice to increase immune power as it contains "C" Vitamin which helps to increase resistance.........
* Use Handkerchiefs and keep your nostrils closed * Maintain self neatness * wash your hands repeatedly * Don't talk too closer mainly with those who come from foreign countries.
Live Healthy
Beware of "swine flu"